

Since its establishment in 2008, 道格拉斯和伊莎贝尔·克罗克公民参与中心的目标是“帮助地方组织茁壮成长,培养最佳实践能力”, empower people to build a better community, 并最大限度地发挥必赢国际电子游戏网站和社区之间的合作.”

In September of 2015, 克罗克中心的工作扩大到包括更多的活动,重点是投资于我们的社区,并在大学与当地公民和组织之间建立有意义的伙伴关系. 这些努力包括通过公民学习和以社区为基础的研究和实习吸引学生.



创建一个充满活力的大学菲奇堡社区,其中学生, residents, and entrepreneurs live, work, seek an education, engage in recreation and leisure, and invest back into their community.


通过丰富邻里居民的生活,提高社会资本和社区凝聚力, local entrepreneurs, university students, 通过以证据为基础的高影响力教育实践以及社区和经济发展来实现更大的菲奇堡.


Community Investments

Affirm, enhance, 并维持大学与周边居民之间的伙伴关系和合作, business owners, faith-based leaders, other community organizations and leaders, public officials, students and educators, 为了社区和经济发展以及社区振兴的更大目标.

University Investments

通过以社区为基础,让学生参与高影响力的教育实践和学习机会,增加学生的学习和成功 internships, research, and civic learning projects.

Community Engagement Project Request Form

Our faculty, librarians, 在服务我们的学生和更大的社区方面,员工是一个富有创造力和足智多谋的群体. 

公民或社区参与概念必须涉及社区合作伙伴和一个或多个学生在高影响力的教育实践, such as:

  • An internship
  • Community-based research
  • Some other act of civic or community engagement

To submit a concept, please complete the Community Engagement Project Request Form (PDF) and email it to crockercenter@akomegasjsu.com必赢国际电子游戏网站的道格拉斯和伊莎贝尔·克罗克公民参与中心.

如果得到克罗克中心公民参与教师/员工论坛成员的批准, civic/community engagement funds of up to $1,000 may be available for you, your student(s), and your community partner.

Fitchburg State University Crocker Center stacked logo

Community Research and Consulting Group


克罗克公民参与中心的社区研究和咨询小组由来自必赢国际电子游戏网站的教职员工组成,他们在广泛的领域拥有专业知识,他们愿意与社区合作伙伴一起从事社会服务, business, and the government sectors.

社区研究和咨询小组的成员将在解决实际问题和回答实际问题的项目上进行合作. 该小组将帮助设计、开发和实施满足合作伙伴需求的项目. As an educational institution, 我们希望确保我们在社区中的角色超越课堂,满足邻居的综合需求.

希望完成我们的教职员工专业知识可以帮助的工作的团体和组织应联系 crockercenter@akomegasjsu.com.


Professor of Sociology

Areas of expertise:

  • Qualitative analysis
  • Field research/ethnography
  • 包括焦点小组和调查在内的多重访谈方法
  • Survey design

Projects recently completed:

  • 对在医院急诊科就诊的妇女遭受家庭暴力的评估
  • Consumer behavior study
  • A community-based ethnography

Professor of Industrial Technology

Areas of expertise:

  • Research in manufacturing systems
  • Manufacturing curriculum design
  • Economic analysis of manufacturing system
  • Automation assessment in automation
  • Stirling Engines (waste energy recovery)
  • 制造业自动化(CAD/CAM和微处理器控制)

Projects recently completed:

  • 汽车工业空气微粒干式加工及取样的经济分析

Professor of Nursing

Areas of expertise:

  • 定性和定量数据收集、分析和项目评估
  • 研究和评价方面的评价和员工培训

Projects recently completed:

  • 社区对体育活动和获得娱乐设施的看法
  • An assessment of regional food security assessment
  • 健康行为的评估和评价包括:身体活动, healthy eating, and food access

Assistant Professor of Education

Areas of expertise:

  • Critical Literacy
  • Early Childhood
  • Special Education

Projects recently completed:

  • 批判性重述的自我反思:我们通过土著镜头重新审视克里斯托弗·哥伦布的文化神话的过程(科维诺), Benharris)
  • LGBT+走向平等:历史和理论视角(2019)

Professor of Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

  • Quantitative methods and modeling
  • Statistical analysis


Areas of expertise:

  • Architectural Design
  • Land Planning
  • Zoning
  • Smart Growth
  • Historic Preservation
  • Sustainable Design
  • Architectural Computer Modeling/Rendering

Projects recently completed:

  • 主街建筑再利用的先进聚合物制造研究, Technology Transfer and Training Facility
  • ReImagine North of Main区域东部区域的社区振兴设计研究
  • 莫兰广场地区新建筑设计及建筑再利用研究

Professor of Education

Areas of expertise:

  • 定性和定量数据收集、分析和项目评估
  • Social change assessment and analysis

Projects recently completed:

  • 评估全球教育中的课程、公共政策和教育实践
  • Evaluation of Social Sciences in public schools
  • Evaluation of democratizing programs in public schools

Professor of English Studies

Areas of expertise:

  • 定性和定量数据收集、分析和项目评估
  • Participant interview protocols
  • Participant observation (small group, large group)

Projects recently completed:

  • 行动研究(课堂合作研究项目)

Professor of Education

Areas of expertise:

  • 专业发展(文化能力和正念健康)
  • School Culture and Climate Survey Design
  • Community Organizing and Social Justice Activism

Projects recently completed:

  • 菲奇堡废奴主义者公园之友和必赢国际电子游戏网站同意建立一个袖珍公园,以纪念本杰明·斯诺和其他为菲奇堡废奴主义历史做出贡献的人

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Areas of expertise:

  • Risk assessment
  • Risk management
  • Drug courts
  • Homicide classification

Projects recently completed:

  • 成人毒品法庭参与对再犯和再犯影响的多站点评价
  • 社区矫正中心循证实践实施保真度评估
  • 在缓刑案件规划中实施风险-需求-责任原则
  • 过渡年龄青年风险评估工具的有效性

Professor of Business Administration

Areas of expertise:

  • Strategic planning
  • Organizational effectiveness assessment
  • Leadership training

Projects recently completed:

  • 促进当地非营利组织的战略规划过程
  • Established an organizational certified leader program
  • 开发并交付精益六西格玛组织架构

Professor of Earth and Geographic Sciences

Areas of expertise:

  • 地理信息系统制图和数据可视化
  • Urban and demographic analysis
  • Environmental Public Health
  • Qualitative research
  • Database management

Projects recently completed:

  • 重新想象北主要社区物业测绘和分析项目
  • GPS Survey of Healthy-Heart Trails
  • 健康住房倡议/社区牵头项目
  • 菲奇堡社区健康项目和纳舒厄河健康项目
  • 用于区域分区、交通、交通和人行道的GIS制图
  • 数据驱动的GIS方法在菲奇堡犯罪和交通安全
  • 马萨诸塞州中北部地区经济发展趋势

Professor of Mathematics

Areas of expertise:

  • 应用数学,如统计分析,数学建模,绘图和数据可视化
  • Computer programming

Projects recently completed:

  • 动物种群、物种分布和传染病的数学建模
  • General mathematical modeling of different systems

Professor of Marketing

Areas of expertise:

  • International Business
  • International Marketing, Economics

Projects recently completed:

  • Economic Nationalism and Globalization
  • Economic Nationalism and Foreign Direct Investment
  • 全球化时代国际企业的经济民族主义与贸易政策
  • 大数据的阴暗面:个人隐私、数据安全与价格歧视
  • 商业与社会的数字化转型:理论与案例

Professor of Communications Media

Areas of expertise:

  • Individual interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Oral histories
  • Ethnographic fieldwork
  • Survey design and dissemination

Projects recently completed:

  • A comprehensive study on the "Health of Fitchburg"
  • Ethnographic fieldwork
  • 斯洛伐克LGBTQ权利活动家的定性访谈和焦点小组
  • 口述历史项目女权主义者在西部MA题为“山谷妇女的协作”

Assisted Professor of Nursing

Areas of expertise:

  • 阿片类药物使用障碍的药物和其他治疗

Projects recently completed:

  • 比较丁丙诺啡与其他治疗阿片类药物使用障碍的系统评价, 目前正在研究丁丙诺啡药物治疗期间的治疗利用和药物使用情况.
  • 我也非常有兴趣对包括监狱囚犯在内的一些人群检查丁丙诺啡治疗期间的其他健康结果, if possible.

Professor of Economics

Areas of expertise:

  • 定量(线性和非线性回归分析,潜在类
  • 方法论、空间回归、变系数模型等.)
  • Economic Evaluation
  • Mixed Methods Research
  • Data(base) Management
  • Mapping

Projects recently completed:

  • 评估美国工资和收入流动性的决定因素.S. Commuting Zones
  • 申请联邦信用合作社宪章在菲奇堡:一个社区叙事的方法
  • 表征食物沙漠在新英格兰:利用地方和区域数据的空间分析

Professor of Sociology

Areas of expertise:

  • Qualitative research
  • Interviewing
  • Grant evaluation
  • Survey design

Projects recently completed:

  • 采访合法枪支拥有者,了解他们拥有枪支的经历
  • 对学生、企业主和教师的访谈,评估资助计划的成功

Professor of Economics

Areas of expertise:

  • Quantitative research
  • Survey Data Analysis
  • Economic evaluation
  • Regional development

Projects recently completed:

  • 利用土耳其统计研究所进行的时间使用调查来估计土耳其男女的时间贫困率
  • 研究东南亚的进出口数据,构建出口复杂指数,了解该地区的劳动分工
  • 研究土耳其技术变革和贸易自由化对性别就业的影响


Areas of expertise:

  • Capacity building and staff training
  • Survey design and data collection
  • Program evaluation design

Projects recently completed:

  • 关于培训执法部门应对残疾儿童虐待受害者的国家培训方案的结果评估
  • 跨性别者公正心理评估的临床决策与最佳实践调查(进行中)
  • 评估警察和公共服务培训和教育

Professor of Business Administration

Areas of expertise:

  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Strategic planning
  • Market research/marketing plans
  • Comprehensive needs assessments
  • Economic evaluation

Projects recently completed:

  • Health and Fitness of Fitchburg Assessment
  • Women Entrepreneurs in Male Dominated Industries
  • 协助两所教育机构和三家小型企业进行战略规划和业务规划

Professor of Psychological Science

Areas of expertise:

  • Survey Design
  • Experimental Design
  • Correlational Design
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analyses

Projects recently completed:

  • 调查,以确定菲奇堡居民感知的资金需求. 结果被菲奇堡城市规划委员会用于CDBG的资金优先事项.

Professor of Education and Applied Behavior Analysis

Areas of expertise:

  • 与残疾儿童(尤其是自闭症儿童)一起工作
  • Managing the behavior/productivity of employees
  • 旨在改善公共安全等方面行为的社区干预措施.

Professor of Communications Media

Areas of expertise:

  • Quantitative Analysis and Data Visualization
  • Critical and Creative Coding
  • Ethical Evaluation and Analysis
  • Communication and Leadership Training
  • Critical Making and Internet of Things

Projects recently completed:

  • 暑期学院定量分析与数据可视化, Health and Fitness of Fitchburg Project
  • 可视化犯罪相关开放数据的创意编码项目
  • 公共社区关于传播伦理的讨论

Professor of Nursing

Areas of expertise:

  • 定性和定量数据的收集和分析
  • Database development and management
  • Violence prevention program assessment

Projects recently completed:

  • Assessment of violence prevention interventions

Professor, English Studies

Areas of expertise:

  • Literature
  • Medieval/premodern studies
  • Cultural heritage
  • Disability studies
  • Teaching and learning
  • Writing

Projects recently completed:

  • Cultural Heritage through Image
  • Cultural Heritage Day at Fitchburg Art Museum
  • 菲奇堡历史学会中世纪残疾指南

Professor, English Studies

Areas of expertise:

  • Literature
  • Medieval/premodern studies
  • Cultural heritage
  • Disability studies
  • Teaching and learning
  • Writing

Projects recently completed:

  • Cultural Heritage through Image
  • Cultural Heritage Day at Fitchburg Art Museum
  • 菲奇堡历史学会中世纪残疾指南

Questions? Get in Touch!

Co-coordinators: Dr. Renee Scapparone and Dr. David Weiss