

必赢国际电子游戏网站. We are here to support you as you explore your options for advancing your education. Below, you will find important information about application deadlines and requirements.

请求的信息   马上申请




  • SAT或ACT成绩
  • 推荐信
  • 文章
  • 简历*


To understand how we evaluate a student application for admittance please follow the links to the appropriate 页面.

Additional information such as costs and deadlines to apply can be found at the bottom of this page.

The below requirements are for international students applying to a 研究生 program at 必赢国际电子游戏网站. It is required that you complete your application and submit all of your supporting materials by the application completion deadline for the term in which you are applying to. 我们在截止日期之后会收到材料吗, your application will be reviewed for the next following eligible enrollment term.

请注意, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the Master of Science in Computer Science are the only eligible master's programs for F1 visa seeking students.


*If you’re currently enrolled in a 研究生 program at another institution, we must receive that transcript with associated grades in order to review your application for admission.

研究生入学要求因项目而异. 请浏览 研究生招生页面 以获取完整的要求列表和程序页面的链接.


Applicants who have completed their schooling outside of the United States are required to submit an international credential evaluation. 截至2023年春季入学, we accept evaluations and the respective type of evaluation from one of the following credentialing agencies only:

If your documents are in a language other than English and you need them translated, please consult with one of the above evaluation agencies to see if they perform this service.

The credential evaluation provides the Admissions Office with a degree equivalency that must demonstrate the degree earned outside of the U.S. 相当于经地区认可的美国.S. 学士学位. 如果你目前正在攻读学士学位课程, please wait to have your credentials evaluated until you have completed your degree. An additional evaluation will be requested if you have coursework in progress. If you have completed any coursework or degree beyond a 学士学位 in another country, it is required to have those transcripts or mark sheets evaluated as well.


The above evaluation agencies should provide 必赢国际电子游戏网站 with an official copy of your transcript or mark sheet. You do not have to separately mail us official copies of your academic credentials. 然而, 如果因为某些原因我们没有收到你的成绩单, we will need official transcripts sent to us directly from the issuing institution from an email from the school's domain. 请注意 that any application item submitted to 必赢国际电子游戏网站 becomes the property of the institution and we are unable to return any documents received.

入学要求英语水平测试. 以下是每个考试的最低分数要求. 请注意,如果申请人有美国签证,则免除考试成绩要求.S. university degree or is from a country where English is an official language (please see the list of countries  下图). 

  • 托福纸考- 550分
  • 托福网考:本科生71分,研究生79分
  • 托福基础- 8.5
  • 雅思本科- 6.0,毕业生- 6.5
  • 多邻国本科生95人,研究生105人
  • PTE学术英语考试(Pearson Test of English)本科50分,研究生58分


English proficiency requirements may be waived for applicants who received a degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the United States or your first/native language is English and you are from one of the following countries:

  • 安圭拉岛
  • 安提瓜和巴布达
  • 澳大利亚
  • 巴哈马群岛
  • 巴巴多斯
  • 伯利兹
  • 博茨瓦纳
  • 英属维尔京群岛
  • 文莱
  • 加拿大
  • 开曼群岛
  • 多米尼加
  • 埃塞俄比亚
  • 福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯群岛)
  • 斐济
  • 冈比亚
  • 加纳
  • 直布罗陀
  • 格林纳达
  • 格恩西岛
  • 圭亚那
  • 爱尔兰
  • 牙买加
  • 泽西岛
  • 肯尼亚
  • 基里巴斯
  • 莱索托
  • 利比里亚
  • 马拉维
  • 马耳他
  • 毛里求斯
  • 蒙特塞拉特
  • 纳米比亚
  • 新西兰
  • 尼日利亚
  • 诺福克岛
  • 巴布亚新几内亚
  • 圣赫勒拿
  • 圣基茨和尼维斯
  • 圣卢西亚岛
  • 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
  • 塞舌尔
  • 塞拉利昂
  • 新加坡
  • 所罗门群岛
  • 南非
  • 斯威士兰
  • 坦桑尼亚
  • 汤加
  • 特立尼达和多巴哥
  • 特克斯和凯科斯群岛
  • 乌干达
  • 联合王国
  • 瓦努阿图
  • 赞比亚
  • 津巴布韦

国际学年费用 本科*:
全在U.S. 基金 

国际学年费用 研究生*:
全在U.S. 基金

These minimum costs must be noted on the official bank letter that F-1 visa applicants must submit.

如果你感兴趣的话 在线加速课程费用 请参阅学生帐户页面. 

*费用可能会有所变化. 请浏览最新及详细的费用 学生账户 页面.

The 国际教育办公室 (OIE) provides students from around the world the support you need to ensure you’re getting the most out of your college experience at Fitchburg State. 世界动物卫生组织可以协助解决与I20处理有关的问题, 移民和签证支持, 并为您提供各种其他资源.


电子邮件: inthelp@akomegasjsu.com


  • 申请截止日期.S. 《必赢国际电子游戏网站》6月1日
  • 应用程序 completion deadline for 本科 programs and Master of Business Administration: 6月1日 - for F1 seeking out of the U.S./第一次申请研究生
  • 应用程序 completion deadline: August 1 - for F1 seeking applicants in the U.S. 从其他机构转学并获得大学学分


  • 申请截止日期.S. 计算机科学:2024年9月15日 
  • 应用程序 completion deadline for 本科 programs and Master of Business Administration: 11月1日 
  • 应用程序 completion deadline: January 1 - for F1 seeking applicants in the U.S. 从其他机构转学,获得大学学分


应用程序 completion deadline is defined as a submitted application along with all required supplemental materials. Any missing checklist items at the time of the completion deadline will not be considered as on time applications.







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